Considered as the epitome of style and elegance, most women want to have their own designer bag. No matter if you’re attending a wedding, a business event, a night at the theatre, or any other special occasion, there are some things that you need to consider first. Some of the most popular names in the designer handbags industry include Fendi, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and Chanel.
One of the things that you need to watch out for when you’re looking to buy a designer handbag, either at a regular store or online, is the authenticity of the bag itself. You can be sure that for every brand we mentioned above, there are dozens of other companies replicating their amazing handbags and trying to sell them as the original.
Here are 4 things that you need to look for in a designer handbag:
1: When you’re buying a designer handbag, make sure that you buy one that is both practical and versatile. This should always be preferred to a funky handbag that will most probably go out of fashion next season.
2: The weight and size are also two important factor to consider when you’re looking to buy a designer handbag. If you usually tend to carry a lot of stuff with you, you should go for a spacious handbag. On the other hand, if you’re simply looking for an amazing fashion accessory and you’re not even interested in their functional aspect, just go with a small sized handbag.
3: When you choose a practical and comfortable designer handbag, you’re making sure that you’ll be able to use it for the next few years. So, you should check the straps and handles to see if they’re comfortable and made to last.
4: One of the things that you also need to pay attention to is the location of the zippers, clasps, and outside pockets. After all, safety is always important.
Which type of designer handbag?
With so many different types of designer handbags, you can perfectly match them with your own personal preferences and lifestyle. Here are the most popular designer handbags types that you can choose to buy:
1: Satchel:
These handbags usually have one or two straps and you can wear them across the body or over the shoulder, as you prefer. These tend to be one of the favorites for students as well as for a woman who works in an office and needs to carry a lot of things with her all the time.
2: Hobo:
Hobos are designed to be worn over the shoulder and they tend to be very large. They are usually made with flexible and soft fabrics.
3: Clutch:
Clutches are designed to be carried solely on hand. So, they don’t have any straps or handles. These type of designer handbag is suitable for formal occasions. They tend to be very small but they usually have the right size to allow you to take some essential items with you like your ID, credit cards, some money, a smartphone, and some makeup.
4: Tote:
When you need a designer handbag to carry your personal belongings, then you need to look for a tote. These are the perfect type of designer handbags for casual wear since they are very practical and versatile.
As you can see, there are a lot of things that you need to consider to buy your designer handbag. One thing is for sure – it is a wise investment when you consider your wardrobe. After all, they are made to last and a designer handbag is, without any question, the ultimate fashion accessory that you just need to have.